Nov 14, 2022Liked by OlaOlu Adedayo

This resonates So deeply and profoundly with me,at 8 months it was evident Sekani had to be weaned off breast milk cos every sucking session,wifey had teeth injuries on her boobies,we persevered till he was one,as wifey refused to stop breastfeeding him,the day he clocked one,we just shipped him to go spend a few days with his grandparents,when he came back after 3 days,I was surprised he didn't even ask after breast milk,it was like he understood the reason for the holidays he went.

Cheers to fatherhood, a tough job and a thankless one at that

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I wonder why we can't just comment without signing in. Anyway, this piece resonates with me. I am at the level where the fleeting emotions won't make me change my stance on what to wear, how to take medications or when to stop screen time. It is the hardest because you really wanna give them the world but teaching them the process of discipline and allowing them to move into it at their own pace is gold. Right now, I don't struggle with bed time. He has agreed that the number of hours i earmarked for sleep is not going to change. And when his teacher used him as a classic example of a well-rested child, I had my mummy trophy moment. On to the need edition of this. Thanks La and my love to your family.

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I can relate quite well to this partly because ESL and my baby DC are quite close in age. About a month difference. I had to wean DC at 1 year because I was preparing to travel to the UK. It wasn't easy. I was all in my emotions, cried a few times and almost restarted breastfeeding her.

I felt guilty too. You know, if I didn't have to travel, she wouldn't have to stop!

It's been 3 months now and I still sometimes want to bring her to breast. 😊😊

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